I have often spoken of Singapore as being in the confluence of cultures. We are possibly the single most bilingual nation in the world, we are also bi-cultural. Being a mere 3 generations out of China or India, we are still very much in touch with our cultural roots. We are raised in an MTV MickeyDs g generation but … Read More
Chinese Social Media – Why it is evolving faster than you think.
We already know that Social media has the ability to transform social structures by empowering individuals to cohesive action. The hive mind disseminates information at the speed of Tweet and the collective consciousness informs the actions of the drones who are a part of the collective. In this system, the collective consciousness, rather than being a single entity, represents the … Read More
Weibo vs Twitter – Why Microblogging works better in China.
Microblogging is all the rage in China. Due to the Great Firewall and the regulations about control, Twitter, Facebook,youtube and Google have been severely curtailed. However, nature abhors a vacuum, in China, that usually means someone will come in and copy. Which leads to interesting dynamics, as we shall see. The twitter equivalent in China is, of course ,Weibo. There … Read More
Commodities and Commoditization
com·mod·i·ty [kuh-mod-i-tee] noun, plural -ties. 1. an article of trade or commerce, especially a product as distinguished from a service. 2. something of use, advantage, or value. 3. Stock Exchange . any unprocessed or partially processed good, as grain, fruits, and vegetables, or precious metals. 4. Obsolete . a quantity of goods. 5. A product whose only differentiation to others … Read More