Social media has 2 parts Social, and media. The objective of social media, is to be social. The media is the vehicle that allows this to take place. I often have the chance to meet small business owners who would talk about the latest Facebook campaign that got so many sales or likes. however, there is usually no follow-up, no … Read More
Cultural Arbitrage and Bobblehead dolls – The Singapore Advantage
I have often spoken of Singapore as being in the confluence of cultures. We are possibly the single most bilingual nation in the world, we are also bi-cultural. Being a mere 3 generations out of China or India, we are still very much in touch with our cultural roots. We are raised in an MTV MickeyDs g generation but … Read More
Matrix of Customer wants
A long time ago, a speakers I heard brought up the concept of a johari windowas a means of discovering more about oneself and ones relationship with others. As I was thinking about the 2×2 matrix format, I asked myself how that would apply to Entrepreneurship and The new marketing paradigmn. I decided to layout a johari-esque matrix and filled … Read More
5 social media lessons I learned from Gangnam Style
760 million views and counting. K-Pop star Psy’s social media phenomenon has been taking the world by storm and the world has responded with a resounding “YES, WE CAN (Gangnam Style).”Here are a few lessons we can learn from PSY. 1. No matter what you do, do it with conviction. “Do, or do not, there is no try.” Watching Psy … Read More
Chinese Social Media – Why it is evolving faster than you think.
We already know that Social media has the ability to transform social structures by empowering individuals to cohesive action. The hive mind disseminates information at the speed of Tweet and the collective consciousness informs the actions of the drones who are a part of the collective. In this system, the collective consciousness, rather than being a single entity, represents the … Read More
Why Chopsticks? A Western Worldview. A parable for our times.
As a Singaporean, I have been brought up in the confluence of the East -West divide. It has been a source of great interest to me. I came across this post in a forum not too long ago, to me, it represents much of what I have written about with regards to the East-West divide. ” I never understood the … Read More
Weibo vs Twitter – Why Microblogging works better in China.
Microblogging is all the rage in China. Due to the Great Firewall and the regulations about control, Twitter, Facebook,youtube and Google have been severely curtailed. However, nature abhors a vacuum, in China, that usually means someone will come in and copy. Which leads to interesting dynamics, as we shall see. The twitter equivalent in China is, of course ,Weibo. There … Read More
Of Value, the Internet Meme, Lacan’s mirror and Crowd Curation
This post is on a bit of a whim. I think I have always been an aacademic at heart, and every so often, he comes out to play. I this case, I have been thinking about my neologistic collection of C words, a concept I have been trying to get my mind around. There is no other way for me to … Read More
Groupon and Gamification
Grouponing was quite big for awhile. Business owners participated to get more customers while customers eagerly searched Groupon for the best deals. It was all about getting the best deal right? Maybe not. I would argue that a large part of the Groupon experience was the Gamified process. It was fun, and one could watch the number of participants grow, … Read More
The Humanization of Technology – Steve Jobs, Apple iPhone and the Finger.
With the advent of electricity, technology was introduced to humanity. Lightbulbs extended the useful hours in the day, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and other labour saving devices helped make chores less of a.. well… chore. Radio and Television programming helped an entire generation stay up to date with the world and the age of the telephone created the ‘Teenager’. Human … Read More