Chinese Social Media – Why it is evolving faster than you think.

JoelCulture, East vs West, Social MediaLeave a Comment

We already know that Social media has the ability to transform social structures by empowering individuals to cohesive action. The hive mind disseminates information at the speed of Tweet and the collective consciousness informs the actions of the drones who are a part of the collective. In this system, the collective consciousness, rather than being a single entity, represents the … Read More

JoelChinese Social Media – Why it is evolving faster than you think.

Why Chopsticks? A Western Worldview. A parable for our times.

JoelCulture, East vs WestLeave a Comment

As a Singaporean, I have been brought up in the confluence of the East -West  divide. It has been a source of great interest to me.  I came across this post in a forum not too long ago, to me, it represents much of what I have written about with regards to  the East-West divide. ” I never understood the … Read More

JoelWhy Chopsticks? A Western Worldview. A parable for our times.

Weibo vs Twitter – Why Microblogging works better in China.

JoelCulture, East vs West, Social MediaLeave a Comment

Microblogging is all the rage in China. Due to the Great Firewall and the regulations about control, Twitter, Facebook,youtube and Google have been severely curtailed. However, nature abhors a vacuum, in China, that usually means someone will come in and copy. Which leads to interesting dynamics, as we shall see. The twitter equivalent in China is, of course ,Weibo. There … Read More

JoelWeibo vs Twitter – Why Microblogging works better in China.

The challenge of blogshops and online retail in Singapore

JoelCulture, Online RetailLeave a Comment

I have been reading up on the growth of Alibaba in China and the prevalence of M-banking and payments in Indonesia and Africa. All the growth in these regions is fueled from a common starting point, A lack of infrastructure. The countries are huge, corruption rampant, banks undependable, and competition rife. They do however, have entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs find ways … Read More

JoelThe challenge of blogshops and online retail in Singapore

Evolution of Chat – IRC/ICQ/Friendster/MSN/Gchat

JoelCulture, New media, Social MediaLeave a Comment

Not too long ago, on a whim I searched for Mud I used to actively participate in, Realms of Despair. It was perhaps 15 years ago but it is still around and still active even in this age of MMORPGs. It started me thinking about my progression down the path of socialization and convergence. It started with MIRC, in … Read More

JoelEvolution of Chat – IRC/ICQ/Friendster/MSN/Gchat

The Transformation of Dance

JoelCulture, Dance and the internetLeave a Comment

The internet is, by definition, a collectively transformative ,paradigmn shifting, curve jumping medium. (Credits to Guy.K) For most of us, we know that the internet behemoth will eventually transform  existance as we know it. Certain industries like the music or publishing have been the first casualties and many more will follow. However, on the flip side of that coin, There … Read More

JoelThe Transformation of Dance

The Singapore Social Media Marketing Experience

JoelCulture, East vs West, New media, Social Media1 Comment

I have been asked several times, why I chose to remain in Singapore. I was away for several years  have travelled extensively. Many of my friends have decided to leave to settle  elsewhere. When asked, my answer has always been that I believe Singapore is the future. Everywhere else that people seem to migrate to, whether Canada, the Uk or … Read More

JoelThe Singapore Social Media Marketing Experience

Social Media and the Language of culture

JoelCulture, Social Media1 Comment

I have long said that the social Media landscape  will eventually diverge.The East West divide will reassert itself and  in doing so, create a new ‘normal’. One of the reasons is that of language. Most western languages are phonetic, and meaning is derived from sounds and how they relate. Mandarin however, and most older languages and their derivatives are pictographic … Read More

JoelSocial Media and the Language of culture