Another of my favourite questions to ask when discussing about blogshops is :
What are you REALLY selling?
This is after talking about the basic business model and themes and niches. By that time, the products would have been identified. So it will seem like an odd question initially.
Well, the answer is NOT:
– “K/Jpop inspired Fashion”
– “Makeup”
-“Sports equipment”
– “Beauty products”
The physical product is but a transportation conduit for communicating what you are really selling.
Imagine a blogshop with an item that reads:
“This product, made of different types of coloured fabric is used for covering up your body. it uses a cut and sew manufacturing technique and is made in a small dark factory in China. ”
It is safe to say, while accurate, it might not garner the desired response.
An alternative might take this format …
“Turn heads and impress, look your best today with this one of a kind …… that will make you feel …. ”
This might be more enticing. his is because we do not see clothing as utilitarian articles for modesty but rather as an extension of our identities, our sense of style,our desire to be attractive, popular and successful.
Many blogshops just see themselves as stockists of clothing or other items for sale.
The reality is that in selling an article of clothing, you automatically become a purveyor of style, good vibrations, popularity and aspirations.
It is important to identify what you are selling through your choice of products and offerings. Understanding this changes the approach one might take to marketing and promotions, layouts and even processes making them more appealing to potential customers.
SO, Do you know what you sell?